Friday, October 29, 2010

Reactivate, Retain And Spiritually Proclaim!

Brethren, I greet you this fine Friday morning with an ever growing sense of the size of the stewardship of which I am accountable unto you as my brethren, our Branch President, our Stake Presidency, our General Authorities and indeed through the ranks of the wise leaders of our Apostles and the First Presidency. I acknowledge even the stewardship of accountability I am under to the Lord. At times, we all may come to this point in reflection where we continually reflect upon our duties. I do not mention this under any source of disdain or lack of desire to tread contrary to the acknowledgment of my duty, but rather, I say this because duty so often reflects a path of challenge which will keep many upon their knees.

As a man, life ever points out a way to curb difficulty through a route more simple or less laden with tasks that the natural man finds unappealing. We also know that anything the natural man conceives of his own wisdom, is not wisdom at all, but foolishness. If there is anything now that I have come more to term with than I previously used to, it is another thing we know through revealed writ... to sum it up in a few words, it is the Lord's way to do all things according to the will of the Father. The scriptures teach us that the mission and glory of the Lord to the Father is to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man. A fine tuned, very simply said, but far harder enacted plan to get back home. What can make the plan difficult to execute sometimes is the very thing that erupted into a war in the pre-existence with far reaching implications.

One individual put forth a plan, allowing us to choose ultimately what we all would want to do both then, and after we left that state of existence and became mortal. That key to choose in our primary estate would carry over to our mortal estate and we would also have to chose what we wanted to do in our mortal estate. The part I feel which not only made this the preferable plan, but more sensible plan, is when we choose to do what we wish to do we can experience greater joy when the correct choice is made, and even in making wrong decisions, it made the ideal decisions more brilliant in righteousness.

Another individual put forth a plan, which seemed easier and ideal, only to one third of the hosts of heaven, in which all would experience a fragmented mortality in flesh, yet bound to a law contrary to the very state of which should be the executor of it. Lucifer foolishly thought that by setting out a plan of forced... socialistic slavery, he would win favor of our Father in heaven. It appears he was blinded so much for the power and glory of the Father, that he completely missed the lesson in which an individual mission focused on himself was contrary to the very being of his existence.

The plan of the first, was in tune with the ideal of the Father. The Fathers plan would be a plan based not only upon agency, although this was a huge factor. What it also needed to have, was the element of significance, a family ideal where all were important and vocally declared from the beginning, and that this family path came by desire of the individual to play part in the family matter of the fabric of our very eternal existence. There needed to be, in part (I feel) a similar notion here on earth, as there was in Heaven. A working mechanism of which when we enter into earth, we enter an institution "Ordained of God." (See The Family: A Proclamation To The World- found at the bottom of the blog page)

There is so much more to ponder concerning this, but I feel you may understand what I am beginning to imply. We all know that we went with the plan the Father chose, that being the first plan, "I will send the first", and the first was the plan of a Savior provided for us. We are here now, trying to make choices that keep us aligned with the choices that will get us back to live in the presence of the Father, with our families as sealed together by the keys of the Priesthood restored to the Prophet Joseph Smith by the hands of Elijah.

Without a shadow of a doubt, we all have sinned and may yet still continue to do so, as imperfect mortal beings are prone to, yet we have this Gospel and the process of Repentance to aid us along the way to becoming the best we can be.

We have heard it a lot in the past few years from our dear Prophet Thomas S. Monson the need to rescue and bring back the lost sheep. Many of you wonderful brethren here in the Lubbock Texas Stake heard that call and have been selflessly giving your all to the cause endorsed by the Lord, to remind many of the truth of the Gospel and to come back. I am just so very grateful brethren, to be one of those many whom you all have helped along this very way. But, even though many are brought back, we need to continually bolster the strength of the body of the Priesthood and keep working at it.

Our Stake Presidency has been led by a Stake President who was given a vision on just how this all is to happen. We have already seen much of the fruit of this vision already come to pass, and it is exciting! We do not, however, need to be reminded that there is still work to do in this great and noble cause, and the special spirit being lent to us now is allowing us to reach people who previously have said no to our invitations to meet with the Missionaries. This special spirit is also moving upon the hearts of many of the inactive who have previously discounted continual invitations to come back, and now we are beginning to see them come back, and MANY are coming back without invitations. I know of one Sister who just recently started to attend church here a few weeks ago, who has been inactive for over ten years and was not a member we even knew lived in our area.

The miracles are happening!

With all this blaze of the Spirit around, there are so many catching the vision and being faithful in praying concerning its truth and then acting upon the direction they are given through the Spirit. It is this very cause brethren, why I have specially changed the introduction of the blog sub-title to many good quotes from many great General Authorities of both past and present. I will include them here in this blog now, but will display them on the blog title through the end of this year to continually remind us of our duty. I happily look forward to the great counsel we will receive this weekend at Stake Conference!!!

"Brethren, the world is in need of your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save." (Thomas S. Monson)

"We can, with the Lord’s help, reach out and rescue those for whom we have responsibility." (Thomas S. Monson, “Bring Him Home,” Ensign, Nov 2003, 56)

“We encourage Church members to forgive those who may have wronged them. To those who have ceased activity and to those who have become critical, we say, ‘Come back. Come back and feast at the table of the Lord, and taste again the sweet and satisfying fruits of fellowship with the saints.'" (James E. Faust, “A Priceless Heritage,” Ensign, Jul 2002, 2–6)

"Reactivation is one of the major keys to the success of all other endeavors in the Church. From our studies we know that the percentage of active Melchizedek Priesthood holders in a ward is the best single predictor of that ward’s success. Home teaching is the vehicle that activates people. No new program or organization is to be invented to replace it." (A. Theodore Tuttle, “Strengthening the Less Active,” Ensign, Oct 1980, 10)

"In this vast throng are priesthood power and the capacity to reach out and share the glorious gospel with others. As has been mentioned, we have the hands to lift others from complacency and inactivity. We have the hearts to serve faithfully in our priesthood callings and thereby inspire others to walk on higher ground and to avoid the swamps of sin which threaten to engulf so many. The worth of souls is indeed great in the sight of God. Ours is the precious privilege, armed with this knowledge, to make a difference in the lives of others." (Thomas S. Monson, “To Learn, to Do, to Be,” Liahona, Nov 2008, 60–62, 67–68)

"Your attention to this alarming trend of inactivity must now become one of our most urgent priorities. The worth of all souls is great in the sight of God, whether they be nonmembers, inactive members, or active members." (David B. Haight, “Become a Star Thrower,” Ensign, Nov 1983, 39)

"Life’s flight pattern can be changed. The instruments we use in saving souls are love and sharing our testimonies of the divine mission of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Thousands of our lost brethren, both men and boys, can be led to a safe landing if we will keep the commitments that we have made tonight. The power of the priesthood that is within each one of us is a greater power than any radar, radio, or any other communication system. Nothing is more important to the Lord than saving souls." ( M. Russell Ballard, “You Can Be the Voice,” Ensign, May 1980, 44)

"What is the tool, the device and the means of activating the wayward inactive brethren of whom are as worthwhile, as desired and precious to our Heavenly Father as each one of us are? President Harold B. Lee taught: “There is no new organization necessary to take care of the needs of this people. All that is necessary is to put the priesthood of God to work.” [in Conference Report, Oct. 1972, p. 124.]" (Brother Beardsley - Prayerfully attempting to fulfill his calling)
 I leave you this message brethren, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Lubbock Texas Announcements:

Saturday October 30th @ 4pm : Priesthood Leadership Meeting

Saturday October 30th @ 7pm : Adult Session

Sunday October 31st @ 10:00 Stake Conference

Tuesday November 2nd @ 6:30 Relief Society

Wednesday November 3rd @ 7:00 Young women in excellence recognition at Stake Center

Friday November 5th @ 8:30am Breakfast at Kettle

Sunday November 7th Daylight saving ends. Clocks back by one hour.

Sunday November 7th @ 8:30am Branch Welfare

Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

10-31-10 : Stake Conference

11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -

11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"

11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"

11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010

12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974

12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"

12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"

12-26-10 : To Be Announced

Thursday, October 28, 2010

If You Could Go Back In Time To Fix Mistakes, Would You Want To?


Allow me first to extend a warm greeting to you all. Although it is currently late for me, I find study of scriptures and regular visits to previous thoughts at this time of the night is easiest. It also is appealing, because I have my homework done.

On Wednesday 10/27/10 we had a Halloween Trunk or Treat at the church, a practice annually repeated, in which care for the safety and security of the children is a top of our concern. It was at this social event, that a regular conversation came about between two of the brethren of the branch- it posed good intentions.

In this conversation, I heard one of the brethren appeal to another, that if given the chance many would go back in time to correct their mistakes so they would not happen. I find that seems to be a universal feeling that people both in and out of the church have readily pondered. I replied in a manner something along the lines of, "As appealing as that may be, perhaps we should consider the implications. I know that if I went back in time and corrected things so that I would not have any issues down the road, I would actually be taking away from what testimony and strength I have now... thus altering how I could help others, and this would also take away from my ability to teach by experience the devastation that comes to all who take that road." (Remember, thats not word for word, but something along the lines of what I said)

We did not really talk more about it after I shared my thoughts concerning it, but it certainly impressed upon my mind a cause for reflection. We are taught from a very young age that what we should do, and what we should not do. We do have the moral agency to proceed at our discretion, but we do not have the ability to choose the consequences.

We also learn that the Lord allows us this critical function, so that in and through our decisions, whether good or evil, we recognize the difference in good and evil. Agency was ultimately a very key issue which undoubtedly sparked the rebellion of Lucifer and a third of the hosts of heaven.

I mention all this, because as I reflected upon my 11 or so years of apostasy, I suffered much; All coming because of decisions that were not wise, but quite foolish. Yet, if I ever took away any one of those years of my learning consequences, I can't help but think of how much weaker my resolve in life would be and whether I could help another who suffered like I.

In the book of 2nd Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 10 the Apostle Paul taught a wonderful lesson. Although the entire chapter is of great worth, he speaks about the significance of being weak in things. Said Paul,
"Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong."

Our challenges are stepping stones which serve as an everlasting reminder that we reap what we sew, and that in making mistakes we are to be humble and approach the Lord, asking him for help. Weaknesses are a continual reminder that of ourselves, we can not accomplish anything alone. To substantiate this communication, we need only to refer to John 15:5 where the Lord speaks:

Without me ye can do nothing.

With all the capacity that I am able to voice, I know the Lord has faith in me, he has faith in you. Indeed he has faith we all love him and a good part of that may be the simple fact that we are here. We know that those people who are here, who have ever previously been here, or ever will be here on earth, were overjoyed about the great Plan of Happiness. The Lord loves us all, and only asks of us to keep his commandments. As we do this, the Lord can begin to work changes of the heart and soul for the better. In this final portion here, I ask you to ponder the question which serves as our blog title today...

"If You Could Go Back In Time To Fix Mistakes, Would You Want To?"

I am grateful to all of my wonderful brethren here in this great stake of Zion, who day in and out spread their joy and love of the Gospel with those around them and I can promise anyone one thing- If you seek for the fountain of truth you will find it, and to seek for it you must be firmly attached to the Iron Rod (The word of God).

I pray you all good health until we gather in for Stake Conference on the 31st.

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Lubbock Texas Announcements:

Saturday October 30th @ 4pm : Priesthood Leadership Meeting
Saturday October 30th @ 7pm : Adult Session
Sunday October 31st @ 10:00 Stake Conference

Tuesday November 2nd @ 6:30 Relief Society

Wednesday November 3rd @ 7:00 Young women in excellence recognition at Stake Center

Friday November 5th @ 8:30am Breakfast at Kettle Sunday November 7th Daylight saving ends. Clocks back by one hour.

Sunday November 7th @ 8:30am Branch Welfare


Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

10-31-10 : Stake Conference

11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -

11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"

11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"

11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010

12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974

12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"

12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"

12-26-10 : To Be Announced

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Rome Italy Temple Groundbreaking 10-23-10

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Lubbock Texas Announcements:

10-31-10 : Stake Conference + Priesthood Leadership 
11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -
11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"
11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"
11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010 12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974
12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"
12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"
12-26-10 : To Be Announced

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chapter 20 "Baptism" - Lesson for 10/17/10

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This video is a segment of Elder Scott speaking about Baptism - This video came from the DVD, "Special Witnesses Of Christ."

Chapter 20: Baptism

"Chapter 20: Baptism," Gospel Principles, (2009), 114–19

The Commandment to Be Baptized

  • Why must we be baptized?
Today, as in the days of Jesus, there are certain principles and ordinances of the gospel that we must learn and obey. A gospel principle is a true belief or teaching. An ordinance is a rite or a ceremony. The first two principles of the gospel are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance. Baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel. One of the instructions the Lord gave His Apostles was, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20).     UAdd a Note 

We Must Be Baptized for the Remission of Our Sins

When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, repent, and are baptized, our sins are forgiven through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
From the scriptures we learn that John the Baptist “did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” (Mark 1:4). The Apostle Peter taught, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). Following Paul’s conversion, Ananias said to him, “Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins” (Acts 22:16).     UAdd a Note 

We Must Be Baptized to Become Members of the Church of Jesus Christ

“All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized … that … have truly repented of all their sins … shall be received by baptism into his church” (D&C 20:37).     UAdd a Note 

We Must Be Baptized before We Can Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost

The Lord said, “If thou wilt turn unto me, and … repent of all thy transgressions [sins], and be baptized, even in water, in the name of mine Only Begotten Son, … ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Moses 6:52).     UAdd a Note 

We Must Be Baptized to Show Obedience

Jesus Christ was without sin, yet He was baptized. He said His baptism was necessary “to fulfil all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15). The prophet Nephi explained that the Lord told him, “Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do … with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism” (2 Nephi 31:12–13).

We Must Be Baptized to Enter the Celestial Kingdom

Jesus said, “Whoso believeth in me, and is baptized … shall inherit the kingdom of God. And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, shall be damned” (3 Nephi 11:33–34). Baptism is the gateway through which we enter the path to the celestial kingdom (see 2 Nephi 31:17–18).

The Correct Mode of Baptism

  • How should we be baptized?
There is only one correct mode of baptism. Jesus revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that a person having the proper priesthood authority to baptize “shall go down into the water with the person who has presented himself or herself for baptism. … Then shall he immerse him or her in the water, and come forth again out of the water” (D&C 20:73–74). Immersion is necessary. The Apostle Paul taught that being immersed in water and coming out again is symbolic of death, burial, and resurrection. After baptism we start a new life. Paul said:     UAdd a Note 
“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?     UAdd a Note 
“Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.     UAdd a Note 
“For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection” (Romans 6:3–5).
Baptism by immersion by a person having the proper authority is the only acceptable way of being baptized.
  • Why is authority to perform a baptism important?
  • In what ways is baptism by immersion like the burial and Resurrection of the Savior?

Baptism at the Age of Accountability

  • Who should be baptized?
Every person who has reached eight years of age and is accountable (responsible) for his or her actions should be baptized. Some churches teach that little children should be baptized. This is not in keeping with the teachings of the Savior. When Jesus spoke of little children, He said, “Of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).     UAdd a Note 
The prophet Mormon said that it is mockery before God to baptize little children, because they are not capable of sinning. Likewise, baptism is not required of people who are mentally incapable of knowing right and wrong (see Moroni 8:9–22).
All other people are to be baptized. We must receive the ordinance of baptism and remain true to the covenants we make at that time.     UAdd a Note 
  • What might you say to a friend who believes that infants need to be baptized?

We Make Covenants When We Are Baptized

Many scriptures teach about baptism. In one of these scriptures, the prophet Alma taught that faith and repentance are steps that prepare us for baptism. He taught that when we are baptized we make a covenant with the Lord. We promise to do certain things, and God promises to bless us in return.     UAdd a Note 
Alma explained that we must want to be called the people of God. We must be willing to help and comfort each other. We must stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places. As we do these things and are baptized, God will forgive our sins. Alma told the people who believed his teachings about the gospel:     UAdd a Note 
“Behold, here are the waters of Mormon. … And now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, … what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?” (Mosiah 18:8, 10). The people clapped their hands for joy and said it was their desire to be baptized. Alma baptized them in the Waters of Mormon. (See Mosiah 18:7–17.)
Alma taught that when we are baptized we make covenants with the Lord to:
  1. 1. Come into the fold of God.
  2. 2. Bear one another’s burdens.
  3. 3. Stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all places.
  4. 4. Serve God and keep His commandments.
When we are baptized and keep the covenants of baptism, the Lord promises to:
  1. 1. Forgive our sins (see Acts 2:38; D&C 49:13).
  2. 2. Pour out His Spirit more abundantly upon us (see Mosiah 18:10).
  3. 3. Give us daily guidance and the help of the Holy Ghost (see Acts 2:38; D&C 20:77).
  4. 4. Let us come forth in the First Resurrection (see Mosiah 18:9).
  5. 5. Give us eternal life (see Mosiah 18:9).
  • What do you think it means to bear one another’s burdens? to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all places?

Baptism Gives Us a New Beginning

With baptism we begin a new way of life. That is why we call it a rebirth. Jesus said that unless we are born of the water and of the Spirit, we cannot enter the kingdom of God (see John 3:3–5). This principle was explained clearly to Adam:     UAdd a Note 
“Inasmuch as ye were born into the world by water, and blood, and the spirit, which I have made, and so became of dust a living soul, even so ye must be born again into the kingdom of heaven, of water, and of the Spirit, and be cleansed by blood, even the blood of mine Only Begotten” (Moses 6:59).
The Apostle Paul said that after our baptism we should begin a new life: “We are buried with him by baptism; … even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). One of the great blessings of baptism is that it provides us with a new start on our way toward our eternal goal.
  • How was your baptism a new beginning?

Additional Scriptures

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Lubbock Texas Announcements:

Sunday, October 17th: In preparation for Stake Conference on October 30th and 31st our visiting General Authority has asked that some very specific assignments be made of the Priesthood Quorums. President Shumway has asked that Elders Quorum Presidencies and High Priest Group Leadership, as well as Young Men's Presidents meet with the High Council and Stake Presidency this Sunday, October 17th at 7:00 a.m. at the Stake Center to discuss those assignments. Please forward this message or contact counselors and assistants to insure that each Ward and Branch Quorum is appropriately represented at this meeting.

Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

10-17-10 : Chapter 20 Gospel Principles Manual "Baptism"

10-24-10 : "Helping Hands, Saving Hands" - By Elder Koichi Aoyagi - April 2010 Conference

10-31-10 : Joint Meeting With Priesthood

11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -

11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"

11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"

11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010

12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974

12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"

12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"

12-26-10 : To Be Announced

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Frontlines Of The Battle Of Inactivity

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Brethren, since the opening of my calling to be the Elders Quorum President here in Plainview Texas, I have frequently looked over a long, nine page roster of 202 families who are Members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints with bewilderment on just exactly how the Lord would have me proceed. In an even closer review, my inquiry showed me that 87 of our families do not have a Melchizedek Priesthood holder among them. I know, from review of other blogs and stories online that circumstances half as unfortunate as the one here in Plainview have caused many other Leaders in their respective areas to "Throw In The Towel."

Perhaps there are even times where people don't throw in the towel, but become complacent with the minimum standard. This is not in harmony with the Doctrine of the church. This is not in harmony with the principles of the church. We actually have to do all we can when we can do it. For example, we need to know what is expected of us and therefore seek after the Lord for that understanding. He will deliver. Said the Lord in the 107th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants , "Wherefore now let every man learn his duty to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence." So, to learn his duty, the individual must seek the wisdom of the Lord through prayer and fasting, as well as abounding in good works. It is not until we lose ourselves in service to the Lord that we can feel the cup of joy and charity abide inside us.

The appeal I make here is the fact that if we all learn our duties, and act "...In all diligence." we can without a doubt succeed in the hard work of Activating the Inactive. Let our hearts be open with love, let your mind be clear for understanding, and our souls anchored in trust and faith unto the Lord.

We certainly will not be able to get 100% on our home teaching until we can increase the size of our Melchizedek Priesthood that are active fully. We can, however, improve our stats without a shadow of a doubt if we begin to incorporate what is called "The 5-10-15-20 = 100%."

THE 5-10-15-20 = 100% SYSTEM
"Home Teaching is not just an assignment. It is a sacred calling. Home Teaching is not to be undertaken casually. A home teaching call, is to be accepted as if extended to you personally by The Lord Jesus Christ." (Ezra Taft Benson)
1)    Make contact with the people they teach by the 5th of each month.
" And visit the house of each member, exhorting them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties." (Doctrine & Covenants Section 20:47)
“Therefore, strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings.” (Doctrine & Covenants Section 108:7)

2)    Make An Appointment To Visit By The 10th Of Each Month.
" And visit the house of each member, exhorting them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties." (Doctrine & Covenants Section 20:47)
“Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his rest.” (Jacob 1:7)

3)    Visit The People They Teach By The 15th Of Each Month.
" Every elder, priest, teacher, or deacon is to be ordained according to the gifts and callings of God unto him; and he is to be ordained by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is in the one who ordains him." (Doctrine & Covenants Section 20:60)

4)    Report By The 20th Of Each Month To The Appropriate Secretary
"They are, however, to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ." (Doctrine & Covenants Section 20:59)
"And see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither hardness with each other, neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking;" (Doctrine & Covenants Section 20:54)

Visit These Blogs:
At This Blog, Find Announcements, Upcoming Lessons, Spiritual Videos & Music: Subscribe to this blog to automatically be sent a copy of the Blog, each time an additional post is done.

The Collective Branch Blog- Organized and designed to encourage all to share their stories, or the missionary moments you have in life. Submit all stories to the following email address:

I am convinced, and feel the confirmation that we will grow in size and activity.

I hope this has been helpful to you all.

 **Lubbock Texas Stake Announcements:

October 1st Through 5th - Temple Closed

Tuesday, October 5th Relief Society @ 6:30

Sunday, October 10th @ 8:30a.m. Branch Council

*****************Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

10-10-10 : Chapter 19 Gospel Principles Manual "Repentance"

10-17-10 : Chapter 20 Gospel Principles Manual "Baptism"

10-24-10 : "Helping Hands, Saving Hands" - By Elder Koichi Aoyagi - April 2010 Conference

10-31-10 : Joint Meeting With Priesthood

11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -

11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"

11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"

11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010

12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974

12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"

12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"

12-26-10 : To Be Announced

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 19 "Repentance" - Lesson For 10-10-10

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Brethren, It has been my eternal joy to be able to teach Elders Quorum Lessons nearly every Sunday save perhaps seven or eight weeks of the last two years. I find this joy to be unlimited because of the potential that the teacher has to learn something outside of what he already did know. As has been said by others to me before, "The teacher always learns more than the student." With that introduction, it is now that I visit some information that was under an unofficial collective agreement, and all the other Elders Quorum Presidents and High Priest Group Leaders accompanied by their teachers agreed upon.

There is a significant need for the members to become more converted, and more dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That better conversion and style of living comes only after some sacrifice of our self oriented natural man, and application of Gospel Principles, regardless of discomfort. As the recent Mormon Messages Video, "The Voice Of The Spirit" is needed. The adversary tries to smother up the Holy Ghost and drown out our real need.... our hunger and thirst for that gospel knowledge we all need. We need it more than we realize, and we need it as soon as possible. Indeed Amos was correct when he said, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:"

That being said, the following is the next Lesson for the Elders Quorum:

We All Need to Repent

  • • What is sin? What effects do our sins have on us?
Faith in Jesus Christ naturally leads to repentance. There has been the need for repentance in the world from the time of Adam to the present day. The Lord instructed Adam, “Wherefore teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, must repent, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence” (Moses 6:57).

We come to earth for the purpose of growing and progressing. This is a lifelong process. During this time we all sin (see Romans 3:23). We all have need to repent. Sometimes we sin because of ignorance, sometimes because of our weaknesses, and sometimes because of willful disobedience. In the Bible we read that “there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” (Ecclesiastes 7:20) and that “if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).

What is sin? James said, “To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). John described sin as “all unrighteousness” (1 John 5:17) and “the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4).
That is why the Lord said, “All men, everywhere, must repent” (Moses 6:57). Except for Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life, everyone who has lived upon the earth has sinned. Our Heavenly Father in His great love has provided us this opportunity to repent of our sins.

Becoming Free from Our Sins through Repentance

  • • What is repentance?
Repentance is the way provided for us to become free from our sins and receive forgiveness for them. Sins slow our spiritual progression and can even stop it. Repentance makes it possible for us to grow and develop spiritually again.

The privilege of repenting is made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. In a way we do not fully understand, Jesus paid for our sins. President Joseph Fielding Smith said of this:

“I have suffered pain, you have suffered pain, and sometimes it has been quite severe; but I cannot comprehend pain … that would cause the blood, like sweat, to come out upon the body. It was something terrible, something terrific. …

“… There was no man ever born into this world that could have stood under the weight of the load that was upon the Son of God, when he was carrying my sins and yours and making it possible that we might escape from our sins” (Doctrines of Salvation, sel. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56], 1:130–31; italics in original).

Repentance sometimes requires great courage, much strength, many tears, unceasing prayers, and untiring efforts to live the commandments of the Lord.

Principles of Repentance

  • • What are the principles of repentance?
For teachers: Writing a list can generate interest and help learners focus their attention. As you discuss the principles of repentance with class members or family members, you may want to ask someone to write the principles on the board or on a large piece of paper.

President Spencer W. Kimball declared: “There is no royal road to repentance, no privileged path to forgiveness. Every man must follow the same course whether he be rich or poor, educated or untrained, tall or short, prince or pauper, king or commoner” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 38; italics in original).

We Must Recognize Our Sins

To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. If we do not admit this, we cannot repent.
Alma counseled his son Corianton, who had been unfaithful in his missionary calling and had committed serious sins: “Let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance. … Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point” (Alma 42:29–30). The scriptures advise us further not to justify our sinful practices (see Luke 16:15–16).

We cannot hide any act of our lives from ourselves or from the Lord.

We Must Feel Sorrow for Our Sins

In addition to recognizing our sins, we must feel sincere sorrow for what we have done. We must feel that our sins are terrible. We must want to unload and abandon them. The scriptures tell us, “All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and … have truly repented of all their sins … shall be received by baptism into his church” (D&C 20:37).

We Must Forsake Our Sins

Our sincere sorrow should lead us to forsake (stop) our sins. If we have stolen something, we will steal no more. If we have lied, we will lie no more. If we have committed adultery, we will stop. The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them” (D&C 58:43).

We Must Confess Our Sins

Confessing our sins is very important. The Lord has commanded us to confess our sins. Confession relieves a heavy burden from the sinner. The Lord has promised, “I, the Lord, forgive sins, and am merciful unto those who confess their sins with humble hearts” (D&C 61:2).

We must confess all our sins to the Lord. In addition, we must confess serious sins—such as adultery, fornication, homosexual relations, spouse or child abuse, and the sale or use of illegal drugs—which might affect our standing in the Church, to the proper priesthood authority. If we have sinned against another person, we should confess to the person we have injured. Some less serious sins involve no one but ourselves and the Lord. These may be confessed privately to the Lord.

We Must Make Restitution

Part of repentance is to make restitution. This means that as much as possible we must make right any wrong that we have done. For example, a thief should give back what he has stolen. A liar should make the truth known. A gossip who has slandered the character of a person should work to restore the good name of the person he has harmed. As we do these things, God will not mention our sins to us when we are judged (see Ezekiel 33:15–16).

We Must Forgive Others

A vital part of repentance is to forgive those who have sinned against us. The Lord will not forgive us unless our hearts are fully cleansed of all hate, bitterness, and bad feelings against other people (see 3 Nephi 13:14–15). “Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin” (D&C 64:9).

We Must Keep the Commandments of God

To make our repentance complete we must keep the commandments of the Lord (see D&C 1:32). We are not fully repentant if we do not pay tithes or keep the Sabbath day holy or obey the Word of Wisdom. We are not repentant if we do not sustain the authorities of the Church and do not love the Lord and our fellowmen. If we do not pray and are unkind to others, we are surely not repentant. When we repent, our life changes.

President Kimball said: “First, one repents. Having gained that ground he then must live the commandments of the Lord to retain his vantage point. This is necessary to secure complete forgiveness” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, 43).
  • • How do the teachings in this section differ from the false idea that repentance is the performance of a list of simple steps or routine actions?

How Repentance Helps Us

  • • In what ways does repentance help us?
As we repent, the Atonement of Jesus Christ becomes fully effective in our lives, and the Lord forgives our sins. We become free from the bondage of our sins, and we find joy.

Alma recounted his experience of repenting from his sinful past:

“My soul was harrowed up [troubled] to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins.

“Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.

“… So great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror.

“… It came to pass that as I was … harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy … concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world.

“Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me. …

“And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more. …
“And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!

“… There can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy” (Alma 36:12–14, 17–21).
  • • How did repentance and forgiveness bring Alma joy?

The Dangers of Procrastinating Our Repentance

  • • What are some possible consequences of procrastinating our repentance?
The prophets have declared that “this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God” (Alma 34:32). We should repent now, every day. When we get up in the morning, we should examine ourselves to see whether the Spirit of God is with us. At night before we go to sleep, we should review our acts and words of the day and ask the Lord to help us recognize the things for which we need to repent. By repenting every day and having the Lord forgive our sins, we will experience the daily process of becoming perfect. As with Alma, our happiness and joy can be sweet and exquisite.

Additional Scriptures

**Lubbock Texas Stake Announcements:

Friday, October 1st Through 5th - Temple Closed

Tuesday, October 5th Relief Society @ 6:30

Sunday, October 10th @ 8:30a.m. Branch Council


Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

10-10-10 : Chapter 19 Gospel Principles Manual "Repentance"

10-17-10 : Chapter 20 Gospel Principles Manual "Baptism"

10-24-10 : "Helping Hands, Saving Hands" - By Elder Koichi Aoyagi - April 2010 Conference

10-31-10 : Joint Meeting With Priesthood

11-7-10 : "To The Home Teachers Of The Church" By President Ezra Taft Benson - April 1987 -

11-14-10 : Chapter 21 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gift Of The Holy Ghost"

11-21-10 : Chapter 22 Gospel Principles Manual "The Gifts Of The Spirit"

11-28-10 : "That Our Children Might See The Face Of Our Savior" - By Cheryl C. Lant - April 2010

12-5-10 : "Only An Elder" - by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in 1974

12-12-10 : Chapter 23 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sacrament"

12-19-10 : Chapter 24 Gospel Principles Manual "The Sabbath Day"

12-26-10 : To Be Announced