Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exciting Changes For This Branch

 Brethren, concerning the declaration put forth by President Williams on August 16th, 2009 In which he said,

"On September 6th, 2009," he spoke excitedly "...We will (have new order of meeting times) start our Sunday Meetings with First, Sacrament at 10:00 am, Followed Secondly by our Priesthood & Relief Society Meetings at 11:00am, Then Sunday School at 12 Noon."

We need to dutifully spread the information around to those whom we fellowship and are responsible for Home Teaching, and even those whom we PPI when it comes to our reporting. Further Counsel on this subject will be sought and posted hereafter.

I am thankful for the operational layout guide given by our wonderful Relief Society, found at:

When I found out (Courtesy Brother Olmstead - On his recent Home Teaching Visit) that the Relief Society had taken the initiative to put a R.S. webpage together, the frequent talks that we had as an Elders Quorum Presidency came to mind. My prayer concerning this webpage / blog, and seemingly unanimous affirmation by any whom we talk to about this has helped me know this is a great path to head on! May we live to the delight of the Savior, not just here, but in all we do Brethren. We as a Presidency, love you all dearly!

Please email me for anything,

All leaders and Church members are to help accomplish the 'Mission Of The Church', which is to invite all people to "...come unto Christ, and be perfected in him" (Moroni 10:32).

To accomplish this mission, leaders help members:

*Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Share the gospel by bearing testimony as prompted by the Spirit.

*Perfect the Saints. Help new converts progress in the Church by ensuring that they have a friend and an assignment and are nourished by the word of God. Receive the ordinances and make the covenants of the gospel, strive to keep the commandments as they have promised, serve their fellow men, care for the poor and needy, and fellowship one another to build the community of Saints.

*Redeem the dead. Identify deceased ancestors and perform temple ordinances for them as far as reasonably possible to prepare the family exaltation.

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