Tuesday, September 29, 2009

President Martinez- Baptism of Grandkids : September 27th, 2009

President Martinez & His Two Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego

Shot (one) Of His Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego

Shot (two) Of His Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego

Shot (three) Of His Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego

Shot (four) of family including Christian & Cesar Samaniego
Shot (five) alternate

Shot (six) alternate

President Martinez & His Two Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego

President Martinez & His Two Grandsons: Christian & Cesar Samaniego
May I extend my warmest regards to President Martinez. Im sure his joy is full, im sure he has had the great pleasure of knowing that his example can be seen, even generations down the road. I feel greatly favored in my own personal life through his love and guidance as our Elders Quorum President. I feel that with him, with Brother Calderon, Brother Olmsted, Brother Derrick, Brother Guinn, Brother Stewart, Brother Baab, Brother Sharpe, Brother Kelly, Brother Montoya, Brother Gagne, Brother West, Brother Brunkhorst, Brother Mayberry and the other great brethren who have joined us in the Elders Quorum and have rejoiced in the building up of Zion in our hearts, at church, and even at home! 
The change came in my life from a great group of wonderfully motivated Elders; I'll never forget their names, ever. Elder Tripp, Elder Philpot, Elder Rusk, Elder Colton, Elder Gibb!

Also, before our current Branch Presidency was the running administration, all of the men inside were greatly influential to me as well; President Williams & President Porter have had a substantial influence in my life (As well as Sister Porter); Both President Sharp and Longoria also have been a profound influence for good, and I must thank them also. All of these before mentioned individuals as well as the High Priest whom Ordained me to the Melchizedek Priesthood, my grandfather LLoyd M. Beardsley, whom I have had the joy of ordaining me to every office I have held in the Priesthood. He has been frequently praying to the Lord, along with my Grandma Beardsley, petitioning the Lord to intervene on my behalf- The Lord has. Im greatful for every Brother and Sister in this Gospel I have; Again President, congrats!

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