Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Church Opens New Website: "Combatting Pornography"

In light of Elder Holland's address on Saturday (PM Session) of General Conference, the church opens a newer updated site showing the significance of the serious need to fight off the plague of Pornography. This has always been a subject, sensitive to the concerns of the General Authorities and the focus of some major resources of the church's LDS Family Services. Visit the link by either going to or by clicking on the title to this blog!

D&C 3:16–20 . “Nevertheless, My Work Shall Go Forth”

President Joseph Fielding Smith explained the significance of this prophecy and its fulfillment: “Joseph Smith, in his own strength, would scarcely have dared to predict to a bitterly hostile world that no power could stay this work and that it would go forth as a witness to all the world. The Lord has decreed that his work would be established. He called it a ‘Marvelous work and a wonder,’ even before the organization of the Church. If Joseph Smith had been guilty of practising a fraud; if he had endeavored to palm off the Book of Mormon on this hostile, unbelieving world, he never would have dared to say that it would go forth to the convincing of Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. Even if he had been foolish enough to make such a declaration, and the work being spurious, it would have come to a speedy and ridiculous end. It never would have survived the first year of its existence. It would have been so filled with flaws that the scrutinizing gaze of the world would have exposed it in all its folly. The truth remains that, after the thousands of attacks and scores of books that have been published, not one criticism or attack has survived, and thousands have borne witness that the Lord has revealed to them the truth of this marvelous work.” ( Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:28–29.)

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