Monday, May 10, 2010

Using All The Resources We Can

 Brethren, it wasn't a year or two ago when I started to look for other means for a "Primary" E-Mail account that had filters and well intentioned settings that would be ideal for someone like myself that had standards which differed from the world, and essentially were higher than those which the world deemed acceptable. There are a plethora of E-Mail offers out there, and nearly all of the ones that are offered today are free. Not bad right? Perhaps not bad, but the offers of the world as we see more and more in this day and age are all short of ideal for the standards of traditional Christian believers and also the liking of the Latter-Day Saints.

We live in a world of technological fancy, with informational advances that would be topics of science fiction and never truly taken seriously if we attempted to relay and try to explain life as it is lived today using technology, in the dawn of the twentieth century. With all these possibilities, is it any wonder that we are under constant attack by our adversary whom Nephi called "the enemy of my soul." (See 2 Nephi 4:28)

The good news, is I found a reputable, infused with good standards, wholesome and family oriented place to set up an E-Mail account that I could trust. In all my dealings with Deseret Bookstore, I finally paid attention to some of their ads on the side which mentioned a E-Mail site, which also had a magazine and was ideal for people whom had it with the days of AOL, YAHOO or MSN. They are called LDS LIVING MAGAZINE.

Their website is , and I have had the greatest pleasure of using their free E-Mail service to help filter out (In my experience) better than any other E-Mail company had prior, all the junk and garbage that seemed to still get to my inbox when I used other E-Mail companies. Long story short, I can affirm to you their dedication to protecting you from the trash that (earlier referred to as) "the enemy of our souls" wishes to land in our inbox.

Many General Authorities have cautioned us about the war that Satan has been waging on us continually in trying to make us stumble upon habits that will destroy our souls. It was Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of The Twelve Apostles at this past conference (The 180th Annual Conference) who said,

"Most days we all find ourselves assaulted by immoral messages of some kind flooding in on us from every angle. The darker sides of the movie, television, and music industry step further and further into offensive language and sexual misconduct. Tragically, the same computer and Internet service that allows me to do my family history and prepare those names for temple work could, without filters and controls, allow my children or grandchildren access to a global cesspool of perceptions that could blast a crater in their brains forever."
As Elder Holland does, his ability to express with vivid detail, the concerning aspects of "this" problem (We shall define the word 'this' in that sentence to any action of negative opportunity Satan tries to use on us) he brings to light the ever greater need, for more awareness and even greater caution to uphold ourselves against the spiritual onslaught Satan fires at us... and the worst part of it all, is that this onslaught is a never ending one. He doesn't rest in his attempts to destroy us. 
Elder Holland also said concerning Satans desperate attempt to trip us up at any location, time or place, the following,
"And just to make sure that temptation is ever more accessible, the adversary is busy extending his coverage, as they say in the industry, to cell phones, video games, and MP3 players."

If you find yourself heading for a change of venue, and are possibly wanting to set up a new E-Mail account with a tad more confidence under your belt that you have the slight edge over those whom Satan employs to destroy our souls, I'd gladly endorse LDSLiving and the E-Mail they offer. If not for you, perhaps maybe that teenager, or pre-teen who wishes to get their own E-Mail account; Take confidence in knowing that LDSLiving is there for you.

In this great war that Satan has declared against us, and the precious Spirits of our children, let us not only use filters, parental controls, scriptures, gospel principles, teachings of the prophets and several tools alike those just named, but let us take a firm and confident stand in the means that good people inspired of God of created in "Using All The Resources We Can" to beat back the adversary. May the Lord bless us all in this work of protecting ourselves, and the precious spirits of those we are responsible for, and guide us in all we do. That is my prayer, and the reason I wrote this blogging entry...In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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