Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Charity Saved My Soul


It's with honor and humility that I get the opportunity to write articles for this blog, to share videos that bring the Spirit, and to bear testimony to all of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

First,I would love to make known to you, especially to the Plainview branch, how grateful I am for you. You have greatly displayed the charity that Moroni speaks of near the end of the Book Of Mormon. You have accepted a sinner among you, who is readily beset (Always more often than desired) by the flesh. Like Jacob mentions concerning the Savior and what he is willing to do for us, you have done for me.

For Jacob said, "...while his arm of mercy is extended towards you in the light of day, harden not your hearts." (See Jacob 6:5) Many would have had plenty reason to not fellowship me, yet you did. Many would have shunned me and left me perilous, and you did not. Truly, you did as Moroni said, "...his name was taken by the members, that he might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep him, in the right way, to keep him continually watchful unto prayer..." ( Moroni 6: 4 - emphasis added)

I learned from many, President Porter, President Williams, President Martinez, President Longoria, Brother Olmsted, Brother Davis and many other elite and humble teachers of the Lord, that same thing that Moroni said of Christ:

"If ye will have faith in me, ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." (See Moroni 7:33)

You all have had faith for me, and pleaded with the Lord continually to turn me back to the path of righteousness. Because of your pleadings in my behalf, because of your love to me in all things, and because you had charity, I was able to break away from all that was in life that dragged me down.

In all that light, love and concern, you showed me the Lord cared for me, that He loves me.... and has died for me. Truly you saw me through to the understanding of one very important criteria which Nephi of old spoke on.

Said Nephi, "He (The Savior) doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world...." (2 Nephi 26: 24)

I am grateful to the Lord, in allowing you all to help me. I am blessed now to know that He truly cares for me, and finds my soul precious and worth saving. It is my firm belief that he sent me here, for you all to help me...and you did. God bless you brethren, and I hope he continues to bless me in all things.

I have the joy now, of hosting "Learning Mormon Principles", a You Tube channel dedicated to the teaching of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the world over. Should you ever wish to view my videos, or to share them, please do so. You can visit My You Tube Channel - Click Here , and may we all continuously live worthy of all the best blessings. This is my prayer, brethren, and I leave it with you in the name of our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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