Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Do We Heal The Room?" - Counsel From President Kimball


Just now a day past one month ago, the body of the Priesthood, both Aaronic and Melchizedek, gathered for counsel from our inspiring leaders here in the Lubbock Texas Mission. Many powerful presentations and talks were given, testimonies borne, and affirmations of truth made to compliment what we did already know... and for some, create understanding for that which was not known.

As has been previously noted in my attempt to list these wonderful talks, I will try to list with as much accuracy as possible, the word for word quotations. Yet on this particular talk, I have the help of the Holy Ghost and my heart, because there was a profound question asked in the talk that caused me to seriously ponder many things. This question I speak of, is the title of this Blog Post.

"Do we heal the room?" What an incredible question. Let me now build up to where he asked it, and why.

It was no secret that in this Priesthood gathering, the topic (So I say) was personal worthiness and our missionary work. That being so, President Kimball took the stand and said this quickly,

"To be Virtuous is to be morally excellent. The Virtuous ways of our lives affect others. I am grateful for Virtuous men. They can do many amazing things - as we come into the lives of [our] members, our families, each other...... Do we heal the room?"

"Our influence we have as Virtuous men can and will change the lives of others!"

There was some commentary in after this, that he gave in expressing his love and admiration for the Virtue he knew to be in the heart of each of the men who spoke before him, and yet who would speak. Of myself, I frequently looked back over that quote I just wrote as it fell from his lips over that pulpit, and marveled at the simple... yet profound question "Do we heal the Room?" It was just amazing. I'm fairly certain then, I heard him relate to the story where the Lord was walking in the streets and the woman who had the blood disorder of 12 years touched his clothes and he felt "Virtue" go out of him... and it healed her.

" For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole."

"And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague."

" And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?"

" And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole;"

(See Mark Chapter 5)

Then President Kimball shifted back to the need for Virtue, and to emphasize his desire to revisit the topic, he said,

"The Lord needs virtuous men in the Lubbock Stake."

He then started to share some ideas and topics for other ideas to accomplish (Many I have, and many more I have not) and he said, "Are you leading out?"

"1) Pray about names, write the names of who to invite....down."
"2) Write the assignments down;"
"3) Set a date."
"4) Hold yourself accountable."
"5) Repeat the process."

The most interesting points of this talk came in the next two suggestions which utterly blew me away. Not knowing it at the time, anyone who had not listened to previous counsel, lovingly heard President Kimball say,

"6) Repent and give the Lord a chance to work it in your heart, your life."
"7) (Still referring to repentance) Please do it for yourself, for others, and for the Lord.'

Finally, he shared two powerful sentences, which I caught, where he said;

"Be grateful to walk through the trials and adversity [of life]."


"Through the hammer of adversity, God makes us Virtuous."

I felt his wonderful spirit and confirmed the truthfulness of his words and counsel through the Holy Ghost. May we all remember those lessons, and apply them in our lives is the prayer I have for us all, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

**Lubbock Texas Stake Announcements:


Sunday, September 26th @ 8:30 a.m. - Welfare Meeting

Friday, October 1st Through 5th - Temple Closed

Saturday, October 2nd- General Conference Telecasts 11:00a.m. & 3:00p.m.

**PLEASE , Invite a friend to a General Conference Session!**

Saturday, October 2nd Ice Cream Social @ 6:15p.m.

Saturday, October 2nd Priesthood Session @ 7:00p.m

Sunday, October 3rd General Conference Telecasts @ 11:00a.m. & 3:00p.m.

Tuesday, October 5th Relief Society @ 6:30

Sunday, October 10th @ 8:30a.m. Branch Council

Tuesday, October 12th @ 6:00pm Elders Quorum Social @ Branch Building
       - From 6pm to 7pm Play Horseshoes
       - From 7pm to 8pm Cook Out & Eat Hot Dogs & Hamburgers

Tuesday, October 26th @ 6:30pm "Joseph Smith The Prophet" Musical DVD Presentation
       - From 6:30pm to 8pm : This is for ALL the members of the Branch, as well as their guests.

**Submit Your Testimony To Share On by sending your story, missionary moment, inspiring thought or conversion story with testimony to**

*****************Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:

9-26-10 : Lesson Will Be Given By Spirit Of Inspiration After Visitation To Stake Presidency

Lessons After To Be Listed Soon

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