We have the obligation, under the Priesthood to go forth and teach all nations, kindred, tongues and people the Gospel Restored, and he who guides us: Jesus Christ.
What is very important, is the realization of that duty, not because others have told it to us or because we have read it in the scriptures... but to really know it in our heart. We all have to know, both Brothers and Sisters in this glorious Church, that in order to do that very thing... we need to be ready.
Do we take a trip outside of town, perhaps for overnight, without having to prepare with a change of clothes, toiletries amongst other things? You bet we do! For us to be comfortable, and confident in making that trip, preparation must have precedence!
In that same regard as parents, we spend many years preparing our youth to "Choose the Right", all while allowing them the knowledge to know that their preparation is what will help them best. We heard, from the first speaker this night (Whose name I did not secure) that "...the hour to prepare for and serve a mission" is nigh upon us. Certainly...he couldn't be speaking to the older men right? I endeavor to say that the lesson to be learned here was that we all have to prepare at some time to act in the place, to serve in the callings we are given.
Whether young men going on a Mission, or adults preparing to be set apart to serve in a capacity...naturally outside our own ability, (to quote the speaker) we need to be worthy. "Worthiness is a key aspect to your ability to serve. Stay close to the Lord by reading the Scriptures."
Little did that speaker know that The Ensign would release "The Book of Mormon As A Personal Guide" for its First Presidency Message the very next month.
The speaker quoted Ronald A. Rasband, saying "The Lord needs every young man (might I add woman and/or individual) to serve a mission."
In a world that "...suffocates you with information" (James E. Faust "Voice Of The Spirit) it is important to keep busy with good activities and worthwhile study.
Allow me now to personally and perspective and a scripture to round off the near close of this great speakers talk. Many of us Saints seem to forget what work this is, or better yet said, whose work it is. It is the Lord's work to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, and we are all venturing to stake some effort in the cause. Said the Lord to Joseph Knight Sen. "And no one can assist in the work except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care." (Section 12:8 of the Doctrine & Covenants)
We need to qualify ourselves by proving that which is good, holding fast to it, and diligently pressing forth faithfully in Christ, knowing, not thinking, that the way is set for us ahead as long as we heed the council of the Lord all we do. In all we do.
How can we do more? "Lengthen your Stride" came the appeal from President Spencer W. Kimball.
The speaker then spoke on the significance of the Duty To God program, and said this:
"We need to touch the ball - to catch the Vision. Learning, Acting... to lengthen our stride. Do not wait to learn our duty, look for and diligently apply the Spirit in our lives, our callings, every minute, every hour, every day."
Soon after, he closed his message in this talk to the General Priesthood... but the Lesson is sure. Be worthy... then prepare, learn, act and apply.
I have seen this come to be a principle of truth in my life, and I know it to be true. I leave it with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(**More of the Priesthood Talks From That Night, To Come**)
*****Lubbock Texas Stake Announcements:
Saturday, September 11th - Court Of Honor for Alan Rivera
Sunday, September 12th @ 8:30 a.m.- Branch Council
Friday, September 17th @ 8:00 p.m.- Branch Temple Day *Go out for Ice Cream at 10:00 p.m.
*****************Plainview Branch Elders & High Priest Lessons By Date:
9-12-10 "The Church of Jesus Christ Today" (Gospel Principles, Chapter 17 - Page 95)
9-19-10 "Faith in Jesus Christ" (Gospel Principles, Chapter 18 - Page 101)
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